FFHC celebrates Christmas with masks and fanfare

First Farmers Holding Corporation (FFHC) capped the year last December 18, 2019 with a masquerade-themed Christmas Thanksgiving program and a showcase of talents from its employees.

The activity started with a Holy Mass at the partially-rehabilitated company chapel, celebrated by Brgy. Dos Hermanas Parish Priest, Fr. Salvador Esganan.

In his homily, Fr. Esganan explained the real essence of Christmas and the significance of the birth of Jesus Christ to everyone.

FFHC General Manager Jose Rojo Alisla, in his response, echoed Fr.  Esganan’s message of thanksgiving.  “We should always find reasons to be thankful for especially this Christmas.  While the first half of the crop year has been very challenging industry-wide, we should remain thankful for the blessings that have come our way despite the temporary troubles”, the GM adds.

After the mass, employees donned their masks and proceeded to the adjoining Sports Club facility to kick off the second part of the celebration.  Employees and offices participated in the Christmas Masquerade Mask Contest, Christmas Group Presentation Competition and the Christmas Tree-Making Contest.

Rosemarie Ramos of the Office of the Manufacturing Manager bested the rest with a well-applauded presentation of her creative and colourful mask in the masquerade mask contest.  Coming in second was Ronel Sanchez of the Water Management Section, followed by Ludgarda Veniegas of Accounting Department in third.

In the Christmas Group Presentation, the song and dance rendition of the Administration Group edged the Masskara-inspired presentation of the Office of the President to emerge as champion with the latter coming in a close second.  The group from the Office of the General Manager finished third, while the Office of the Manufacturing Manager and the Office of the Power Manager came in fourth and fifth, respectively.

Meanwhile, the Administration Group defended its title in the Christmas Tree-making contest as judges unanimously chose their tree made up of shredded used plastic from the cooling tower as the best among the submitted outputs.  Second place went to the Office of the Power Manager with their tree made up of colourful and recycled plastic bottles.  The Office of the Manufacturing Manager, Office of the General Manager and the Office of the President won as third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

This year, FFHC launched the I AM F.I.R.S.T. Award for employees who never missed a day of work.  Twenty-six (26) employees have posted perfect attendance namely: Marjorie Blancaflor, Alejandro Recaido, Decen Suarez, Antonio Nelson Lacson III , Jonathan Acain, Josephine Castigador, Rogelio Hechanova Jr., Gigi Lescano, Arnelo Jardio, Alan Baylon, Perlito Descutido, Noel Estrella, Adrian Fernandez,   Giovani Quiapo, Jonvir Vargas, Modesto Villalva II, Cherlito Villaram Jr., Joevan De la Cruz, Vincent Emonaga, Ronaldo Patajo, Diosdado Perez, Ervin Sugaron, Mario Senares, Jeffrey Artus, Danilo Lacson and Girlie Postrero.

In the end, all employees received prizes during the raffle draw as well as grocery packages courtesy of the FFHC management. 

The 55-inch smart TV grand prize was won by Joevan De La Cruz of the Mill Department.  Roy  Alentahan of the Raw House Department took home the Refrigerator as the second prize while Erwin Borlan of the Refinery Department grabbed the third prize of Magic Sing.

Posted on January 26, 2020, 11:52 pm by: Raymond Enterna